Tuesday 23 March 2010

What we do

The next meeting of the committee is on Tuesday 20 April here at Holyrood (2.00 pm start). Now we aint gonna be sitting about doing nothing. There are around 110 current petitions before the committee at present so we will be looking to move these along through the gathering of written evidence as requested by the committee. In between meetings most (all) of our time is spent working with people who want to lodge a petition (giving advice on the wording, seeking more information etc) and looking at the written material that comes in on those petitions in the system.
The papers for the 20 April meeting will go out on the 13th. Probably about 7 new petitions and around 18 current for consideration that day. I reckon most of the meetings between now and summer recess will be the same volume. Jings!
There are other issues we are looking at. The committee will be hosting a couple of delegations in the next couple of months (details to follow), work on the redevelopment of the e-petition site, further external meetings of the committee to arrange, the young petitioners meeting later this year. I don't have a T-bird but its still fun, fun, fun!
Fergus, Clerk to the PPC

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