Photos taken by Andrew, the Parliament photographer are now available via this link. The password you need is petition (how original!). Here's a wee selection below from last Friday
Hello and welcome to the Public Petitions Committee blog page. From here you can link to more information about the public petitions process.
What is a petition? It's basically a way for someone (say a member of the public) to ask some someone else (in this case the Scottish Parliament) to take action on something e.g. improve school bus safety.
Want to know more? The links below will take you to other sources of information about the Parliament's public petitions process.
Want to post up a video or a photo relating to your petition? You may have produced a video about your petition which you have posted on to the internet e.g. You Tube. The committee can provide a link to this. Similarly, you may have posted some photos up on to Picasa, Flickr or your social networking page e.g. Facebook. Again, let the clerking team know. You can be creative through your petition to link to other sources of information which you want people to see.
Why not visit our Picasa page to look at some petitions photos?
Holyrood Highlights some of the business going on in your Parliament including interviews with MSPs and archive footage of Parliament meetings. You can also watch the committee's meetings live at
The committee is supported by a clerking team made up of Fergus (clerk to the committee), Franck and Alison the Assistant Clerks and Eileen the committee assistant. Our role is to assist petitioners bringing petitions forward and throughout their petition's 'journey' through the Parliament> We also support the committee in all aspects of its work relating to the consideration of petitions and in the promotion of the public petitions process.
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