Friday 18 March 2011

What are we doing?

So, no more PPC meetings, dissolution next Tuesday, surely we are just sitting about doing nothing? Well, no! Petitions continue to come in, we will be looking at them and discussing the terms with petitioners before they are lodged. We will be planning for the Session 4 Committee, what will it do at first few meetings, what new petitions to timetable. We are also dealing with the current petitions which the Session 3 committee is leaving for the S4 committee under the legacy arrangements.
We'll be getting letters off to the Scottish Government and others shortly initiating responses, updates etc on these 43 legacy petitions so that we can timetable them to go to the S4 committee ASAP. Jings, all very efficient and forward thinking of us! You must be impressed surely!
We also have various 'in house' tasks to be getting on with so we will be busy. This is the same across all committee clerking teams, dealing with remaining issues of the S3 committee and preparing for the next.
Its been a cracking committee to clerk these last few years and a real pleasure. The committee has been very pro-active in evolving the petitions process, getting out and about around Scotland, trying different ways at encouraging participation in the process. Most important, the work done to secure some very important decisions as a result of petitions which people brought forward. Quite a fantastic thing to see, when someone raises an issue with their Parliament, the PPC looks at it, takes it up with the appropriate bodies, and secures positive actions as a result. Petitioner is happy, job done. Looking forward to the next Session.
Fergus, PPC clerk

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