Monday, 22 June 2009

Committee to meet in Alness

The Public Petitions Committee will meet on Monday 21 September at Alness Academy, Alness (about 20 miles north of Inverness). No time yet for when mtg will start but we will post up more details on to the blog.
This will be a 'proper' committee mtg and will give people from the local area the opportunity to come along and watch the committee at work. The meeting will be in public.


  1. Good to see that Parliament goes outside Holyrood to meet folks. Would like to see more of this!

    Will PPC meet somewhere else alfter Alness?

  2. Yes. Committee said in its report published 16 June that it would undertake three external mtgs in 2010. No dates or venues for these yet but we will post up details once we have them

  3. Will there be a live video link to the meeting?

  4. Hi there

    There won't be a live video link due to cost/infrastructure implications however, we should get live audio back to Parliament but we will confirm shortly.

  5. Eddie DouthwaiteAugust 29, 2009 2:43 pm

    As the meeting is being held in Alness are any petitioners being called to give evidence and if so have they been informed.

  6. Will any of the petitioners be called to give evidence and if so have they been notified.

  7. Yes they will. We are still pulling together all the petitions to be discussed at this meeting. Then the Committee Convener will have a look to decide who to invite. Papers for the meeting will be published week beginning 14 September so watch this space.
    Fergusill have confirmation
